The project inscribes itself within numerous initiatives, supporting European and Chinese personalised medicines developments and collaborations. IC2Permed cooperates notably with following ones, contact us for more information
ICPermed Family
The European Union finances several projects supporting ICPerMed, through Horizon 2020 framework programme. “ICPerMed Family” gathers initiatives focusing on Personalised Medicine and targeting various objectives.
SINO-EU PerMed: Cooperation between China and Europe in Personalised Medicine

IC2PerMed “twin sister” project, Sino-EU PerMed project started in January 2020. The project received a two million euros grant from the European Framework Programme Horizon 2020. It aims to foster the cooperation between Europe and China in Personalised Medicine in the next four years.
ERA-Net ‘ERA PerMed’ on Personalised Medicine

ERA PerMed (2017-2022) is a ERA-Net Cofund Action on personalised medicine, supported by 32 partners from 23 countries and cofunded by the European Commission. It aims to align national and regional research strategies and funding activities, promoting excellence, reinforcing the competitiveness of European players in personalised medicine, and enhancing the collaboration with non-EU countries.
HEcoPerMed: Health economic modelling and payment strategies for personalised medicine

HEcoPerMed aims to identify the best health economic modelling and payment strategies for personalised medicine to differentiate between the promises of personalised medicine and reality, and to stimulate the adoption of promising personalised medicine approaches across the EU.
PERMIT: Personalised Medicine Trials

PERMIT will be based on a series of workshops where the project participants and partners invite selected experts to address the various aspects of methodology, design, data management, analysis and interpretation in personalised medicine research programmes. The objective is to reach consensus and publish recommendations on methodological standards to ensure the scientific excellence, validity, robustness and reproducibility of results, and the acceptability of the results generated by personalised medicine programmes.
SAPHIRe: Securing Adoption of Personalised Health in Regions – first newsletter published

SAPHIRe will actively engage with European regions, including sparsely populated and remote regions and regions with different innovation levels. SAPHIRe will host a series of interactive events to understand the barriers and obstacles that exist around the implementation of personalised medicine. SAPHIRe will engage with regional stakeholders (including policy makers, industrial, healthcare and academic sectors) in a two-way discussion, with a view to supporting collaborative efforts and networking activities between regions in the area of personalised medicine.
Regions4PerMed: First Interregional Workshop on Big Data, Electronic Health Records and Health Governance

The project Regions4PerMed contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the European strategy launched in 2011 with the European Council Conclusion: Towards modern, responsive and sustainable health systems (2011/C 202/04) on and modernisation of the European Healthcare system. In the 2011/C 202/04, particular stress is put on the role of strategic investments in healthcare and the importance of an integrated and interoperable health data sharing system.
EULAC-PerMed: Upcoming events in Madrid and Montevideo

In order to strengthen the global efforts on Personalized Medicine and the cooperation of Europe (EU) with Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries , the EULAC PerMed project, funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission, has been launched in January 2019. A unique bi-regional consortium of governmental and funding organisations, with the support of leading stakeholders as associated partners, will be in charge of developing the project until December 2021.
EULAC PerMed has the ambition to engage LAC countries in the International Consortium on Personalized Medicine (ICPerMed) and in the ERANet ERAPerMed with the aim at advancing in the implementation of the Action Plan of ICPerMed. EULAC PerMed will be the vehicle for:
European networks
IC2PerMed collaborates with numerous projects developing cooperation schemes with China and Personalised Medicine thematics, among which:

SENET aims at developing collaboration between Chinese and European health researchers

ENRICH in China supports and connect European research, innovation and business organisations to China

IDIH promotes international collaboration (and notably with China) to support active and healthy ageing.

ExACT aims at building a community of organisations that collaborate on precision health.

Smart4Health enables citizens to manage their own health data.

eHAction aims at reflecting the importance of digital health as a complement for public health services.
Chinese Networks
More to come…