Project news

Project news2020-06-19T10:02:36+02:00
1101, 2024

IC2PerMed latest scientific paper: don’t miss it !

IC2PerMed’s article “Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine: A Position Paper on Personalized Medicine in Sustainable Healthcare” has been published in Public Health Genomics. Read the full article to get more informations!

1512, 2023

The IC2PerMed project video is available

We are proud to announce that the IC2PerMed project video "Fostering relationships between Europe and China in personalised medecine" is online! This video provides an overview of the 4 Key exploitable results of the project and their future exploitation. Watch the video in English here 

1312, 2023

International Health experts gathered in webinar on Personalised Medicine, co-organised by IC2PerMed, PROPHET and ENRICH Global Health Innovation Group

IC2PerMed, in collaboration with PROPHET and ENRICH GLOBAL Health Innovation Group, organised a webinar “Through tailored healthcare to happy living - how personalised medicine transforms our health systems? Insights from international initiatives” which received great expert attendance. It was a premiere event ! 80+ participants, including 20 participants from [...]

2911, 2023

Two articles about the latest Delegation Visit in China: check them out

We are glad to announce that articles were featured on the latest Delegation visit held in China from 21 to 23 October 2023, one in Cattolica News (in Italian) and the other from Cattolica International (in Chinese). Both are available by clicking on the following links: Medicina personalizzata, ua nuova [...]

1611, 2023

Second International Experts Forum & Policy Dialogue Workshop

The Second International Experts Forum & Policy Dialogue Workshop will take place on the 12 December 2023 from 11 am to 2 pm (CET). This online workshop, co-organised by IC2PerMed together with ENRICH GLOBAL Health Innovation Thematic Group and the PROPHET project, focuses on personalised medicine (PM), personalised prevention, [...]

307, 2023

New IC2PerMEd deliverable online

We are delighted to inform you that IC2PerMed public deliverable report on the High Level Symposium that took place the 26th of May is now available. This report presents the project's main outcomes, explores its implementation at the national and international levels, and looks at the application of personalised [...]

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